Jul 19, 2012

Replacing the B20B Valve seats

Last week the outlet valve seats were replaced by new hardened ones. If you want to use lead free petrol or LPG you need harder valve seats than the original  valve seats who are directly cut into the edge of the valve port of the cast-iron Volvo B20B cylinder head.

And while the engine was still disassembled I brought the cylinder head to Chris Milton Engines
Sam took some pictures of the whole process.

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
Cylinder head Volvo B20B

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
Cylinder head and new exhaust valve seat

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
Removing the old valve seat

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
New uncut valve seat in place

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
Cutting valve seat 

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
Cutting valve seat

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
Valve seat cutted

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
Refined shape of outlet port with new hard valve seat

Replacing outlet valve seats Volvo 122s B20B engine
Sam also did a vacuum test on the inlet valves; all good. Normally there´s no need to replace the inlet valves because they get less hot then the outlet valves.

1 comment:

  1. Where did you get your hardened valve seat for the exhaust from?
